Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay example - 1507 Words

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is among the most extensively tested psychotherapies for depression. Many studies have confirmed the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a treatment for depression. This paper will provide background information about the intervention, address the target population, and describe program structure and key components. It will also provide examples of program implementation, challenges/barriers to implementing the practice, address how the practice supports recovery from a serious mental illness standpoint and provide a summary. Although there are several types of therapy available to treat depression and other mood disorders, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) has been one of the most widely†¦show more content†¦According to Hayes, emphasis shifted towards exploration of one’s interpretation of the world and interpretation of emotionally relevant situations, and shapes experience. This second generation of developments in cluded rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) developed by Albert Ellis, and Beck and colleagues’ cognitive therapy. There are many different forms of CBT and the target population varies depending on the form. Some of the many different forms include: trauma-focused CBT for children, CBT for late-life depression, and CBT for adolescent depression to name a few; each form has a variety of age groups intended as its target population. For example CBT for adolescent depression has the target population of individuals ages 13-17 and 18-25 whereas CBT for late-life depression has the target population of individuals ages 55 and older (NREPP, 2014) CBT differs from other forms of psychotherapy in the sense the sessions have more structure. Those with specific focus and goal may benefit more from CBT. It is less suitable for someone who feels vaguely unhappy or unfulfilled, but doesn’t have any symptoms or a particular aspect of their life they want to work on. CBT is effe ctive for a wide variety of mental health disorders, including but not limited to mood, anxiety, personality, eating, substance abuse, sleep, and psychoticShow MoreRelatedBehavioral Therapies : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1752 Words   |  8 PagesFrom the lens of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, an integrated mix of both cognitive and behavioral approaches is best suited the treatment of clients. All the approaches under Cognitive Behavioral Therapy require several different attributes. Some of them being; the need for a positive working relationship between client and therapist, the belief that distress is a cognitive process, treatment is a focus in changing cognitions to create positive change in mood or behavior. Changing irrationalRead MoreBehavioral Therapy And Cognitive Therapy869 Words   |  4 Pagespaper, I will compare and contrast Group Therapy and Cognitive therapy, more specifically, dialectical behavioral therapy, and the differences between assessment types that clinicians use to determine a diagnosis and therapy that would best benefit their client. In the second part of my paper, I will discuss and address different considerations in which a therapist should make in order to provide a safe and effectively therapeutic environment. Though therapy is a largely utilized form of mental healthRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy2168 Words   |  9 PagesBackground Developed in the mid 1960s by Aaron Beck, the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model theorizes that the interpretation of both external and internal events is biased, and can tap unhealthy underlying beliefs that potentially lead to emotional distress (Beck, 2005). Over the years CBT has accumulated an impressive track record in the treatment of a variety of mood disorders. In 1985, a review of 220 studies using CBT in the treatment of depression concluded that 91% supported the modelRead MoreCognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1447 Words   |  6 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy Djiedjorm Doe (Dede) Middlesex Community College Cognitive behavioral therapy, commonly known as CBT, is a systematic process by which we learn to change our negative thought into more positive ones. CBT is a combination of two types of therapy, cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. cognition is our thought, so cognitive behavioral therapy combines working with our thought process and changing our behavior at the same time. Cognitive behavioral therapistsRead MoreCognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1502 Words   |  7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy, in its most modern form, was developed in 1960 by Aaron T. Beck. However, CBT has an interesting history dating back to the 1920s in the United States and even earlier in other parts of the world. â€Å"Precursors of certain fundamental aspects of CBT have been identified in various ancient philosophical traditions, particularly Stoicism. Stoic philosophers, particularly Epictetus, believed logic could be used to identify and discard false beliefs that lead to destructiveRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy And Narrative Therapy1706 Words   |  7 Pagesgoing on in his every day life. The two that we have chosen are Cognitive-behavioral therapy and Narrative therapy. We will look into both of these and also as we do that we will find out what the role of the social worker is in both cases. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you notice the discouraging thoughts that make you feel bad. These thoughts are sometimes called irrational or automatic thoughts. Using Cognitive-behavioral therapy you can learn to stop these thoughts and replace them with helpfulRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy And Narrative Therapy1706 Words   |  7 Pagesgoing on in his every day life. The two that we have chosen are Cognitive-behavioral therapy and Narrative therapy. We will look into both of these and also as we do that we will find out what the role of the social worker is in both cases. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you notice the discouraging thoughts that make you feel bad. These thoughts are sometimes called irrational or automatic thoughts. Using Cognitive-behavioral therapy you can learn to stop these thoughts and replace them with helpfulRead MoreCognitive Behavioral And Behavioral Family Therapy2903 Words   |  12 Pages Week 11 Assignment: Signature Assignment: Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Rayon L. Walton Nortcentral University One of the most effective components of MFT is Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT). CBFT incorporates cognitive processes that affect behavior and applies it to the therapeutic process of clients. The foundational principles of CBFT stem from behavioral concepts that were impacted by issues that affected clients such as phobias, anxiety and parenting deficiencies;Read MoreCognitive Therapies And Behavioral Therapy982 Words   |  4 PagesCognitive behavioral therapy, on the contrary, utilizes directive consulting tools to control and guide its patients. These include such things as asking questions, interpreting, and providing direction to a client’s attention and emotions. â€Å"Aaron Beck developed cognitive therapy, an approach that focuses on recognizing and changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs into more realistic and constructive thoughts and beliefs† (Erford, 2014). It is believed that cognitive behavioral therapyRead MoreCognitive Psycholo gy : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1700 Words   |  7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy is a school of psychotherapy that intends to assist individuals with conquering their emotional issues. A focal idea in CBT is that you feel the way you think. Therefore, CBT focuses on the fact that you can live all the more cheerfully and effectively in you begin thinking with a better mindset. CBT urges you to comprehend that you re thought process or beliefs lie between the occasion and your definitive sentiments and activities. The

Friday, December 20, 2019

Unit 4 - 893 Words

Take a look at the following case studies that detail an outcome associated with a disease/organ malfunction. Select one study to investigate further for your assignment. Critically evaluate the information provided and correlate it with the organ systems that are affected in the scenario. Use the information that you have gathered to answer the assignment questions that follow the case study. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, the AIU Library, Web resources, and course materials. Case Study 1: Atherosclerosis is narrowing of arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty deposits on the arterial walls. On June 22, 2002 the St. Louis Cardinals were preparing for their upcoming baseball game against the†¦show more content†¦A recent doctor s visit reveals that Mr. Amos has stage 3 lung cancer, characterized by his symptoms of nagging chest pain, fatigue, coughing up blood, substantial weight loss, and increased carbon dioxide levels in his blood. The doctor informed Mr. Amos that had he quit his smoking habit several years ago, he would have reduced his risk for developing lung cancer later in life. Mr. Amos immediately begins treatment for the lung cancer that has metastasized to his lymph nodes. Answer the following assignment questions: What main components in cigarettes affect the respiratory system? Explain their effects on specific organs, cells and/or processes in the respiratory system. There are alternate mechanisms of transporting carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2 ) in the blood. Explain how smoking might lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. Can smoking affect other organ systems of the body? Give specific examples and briefly explain your answer. How can you correlate cellular respiration with the respiratory system? Does smokeless tobacco present a reduced risk for lung cancer and other smoking associated diseases? Provide evidence for your answer. Case Study 3: Gigantism is abnormally large growth during childhood caused by excess growth hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Robert Wadlow, born on February 22, 1918, weighed a normal eight pounds, sixShow MoreRelatedUnit 4835 Words   |  4 Pages UNIT ASSIGNMENT | Unit Number | Unit Name | Credit value | 4 | Business Communication | 10 | Name of assignment | Investigation of Business Communication | Name of Assessor | Raghbir McGinley | Start date | Completion date | Duration of assignment | Part 1 04.02.13Part 2 11.03.13 | 25.02.1325.03.13 | 3 weeks3 weeks | Feedback date (A grade and actions for improvement will be given and recorded at this point. You can upgrade your work at the unit upgrade date, asRead MoreUnit 4707 Words   |  3 PagesWilliam Findley Unit 4 Short answer 1. How do modules help you reuse code in a program? 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Secondly when there are long term goals and targets set by the business the workers then have that sense of responsibility which is to produce the best possible work they couldRead MoreUnit 4 P7948 Words   |  4 PagesP7 unite 4 1. What is target audience? Target audience is a particular group of people which a product, an advertisement or a television and a radio program aimed at. A target audience can be separated into deferent groups such as gender, age group, marital status, e.g. male, young people, single people. For example Dell Company wants to sell their laptops at a reasonable price, so their target audience is students, small business which can be afforded to buy. Read MoreUnit 4 Happiness Assignment1205 Words   |  5 PagesUnit 4 Happiness Assignment Levi Wilson Kaplan University HU300-26 The first person I interviewed was my friend’s grandmother. Although I have not met her, I have heard many things about her. She is 85 years old and has a good perspective on life. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thoreau Vs King Essay Research Paper Civil free essay sample

Thoreau Vs. King Essay, Research Paper Civil noncompliance, standing up for what you believe in, and volitionally being able to endure the effects for that cause are thoughts that both Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. hold in a heartfelt way and show persuasively in their respectable pieces, Civil Disobedience, and Letter From Birmingham Jail. Although the two stylistically coincide in many elements, the have their portion of differences every bit good. The most apparent of the differences is the contrasting persuasive methods used by each adult male. King delivered the most logical and convincing facts in his authorship. His piece is filled with infinite illustrations from history, quotes from respectable beginnings, every bit good as impressive facts and informations. Logos prevails throughout most of the work, with the most logical component coming from whom his missive was addressed to. My Beloved Fellow Clergymans: immediately lets his readers know that he s a good cat every bit good as reminding the reader that the work forces who are against his work as a civil rights militant are good cats as good. We will write a custom essay sample on Thoreau Vs King Essay Research Paper Civil or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They aren t merely his co-workers, but work forces of God, virtuous and holy work forces. King knows to remind these work forces of their places as good by invariably mentioning to the Bible, God, Christ, and other powerful spiritual front mans for some of his most telling support. How can his resistance argue with Jesus Christ was an extremist for love, truth, and goodness by reprobating King for being an extremist, reprobating King for being Christ-like? They merely can t. Thoreau besides called on governments and presented a few convincing facts in his statement, but focused intensely on being ethical. A myriad of rhetorical inquiries flow continuously throughout his piece, invariably maintaining the reader thought. Thinking about right and incorrect. Thinking about the scruples. Would they be able to populate morally and safely in a society where everyone knew right from incorrect, and knew better than to go against their scruples? Could such a society of all time be? And would they, as a individual, be able to be in such a lawless Utopia? The consequence of all these inquiries, asked by Thoreau straight in the piece, and those created by the reader as they scramble for replies to Thoreau s inquiries, is a presentation made by Thoreau of what is ethical. Thoreau besides turns to facets of sentence structure, organisation, and enunciation to allow his reader cognize what is right and incorrect, but his prevailing usage of ethos logical thinking is what grabs the reader by the arm and refuses to allow travel until they agree. One of the elements of sentence structure that makes it impossible for the reader to interrupt free from the strong clinch that both pieces possess is repeat. Repeat is great for stressing importance, and creates a really clear connexion between thoughts. Both work forces repeat sentence constructions to bind their thoughts together and repeatedly utilize rhetorical inquiries to maintain the readers attentive and involved. The reduplication of strong and powerful enunciation helps put the tones and feelings of the writers. This valuable usage of word pick teamed with the astonishing effects of repeat make it crystal clear as to when King is experiencing polite, irate, or a small sarcastic, or if Thoreau wants to be combative or thought provoking. Ideas, word pick, and rhetorical schemes parallel the two essays together. Martin Luther King Jr. straight alludes to Thoreau s ideas on civil noncompliance, while Thoreau, who notably lived and wrote long before King was born, was in a sense besides in understanding with King s doctrines in his piece. ( Since Thoreau didn T support the Mexican War, he was besides opposing bondage ; hence standing up for the same civil rights King was contending for many old ages subsequently. ) This subject of civil noncompliance and its importance in the creative activity and care of an equal and merely society is emphasized in merely about every manner conceivable. Though the writers took greatly different attacks to their statements, both persuaded attractively, strongly, and efficaciously.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

An Inspector Calls a Review Essay Example For Students

An Inspector Calls a Review Essay The year is 1912. The Birlings are celebrating the engagement of their daughter, Sheila, when they are interrupted by the visit of one Inspector Goole. Goole begins interrogating the family about the death of a woman who supposedly had various contacts with each member of the family. These reminiscences caused poignant regrets and consequences to them. They discover that he was not in fact an Inspector, thus providing a short- lived relief from the antagonising truths, which they had just confronted. The ambiguity of the play rests in the eerie fact that Birling receives a telephone call from the police regarding the topic pushed by the impostor inspector only minutes before, suggesting a preview of the future. An Inspector Calls is a play about consequences and ambiguity, themes that were well represented by impression given by the surreal and symbolic set, as one entered the Performing Arts Centre at Llandovery College. The audience took their seats, and the mystery began. The appropriate mood and atmosphere was established through the agitated music combined with the eerie visual effects, of the skilled Richard Williams and Ben Wells, directed and supervised by technical stage manager, Nesta Lloyd-Jones of the Lower sixth Drama group. As the plot unfolded, each character was developed, giving an insight into the complicated consequences of their individual actions. Ronald Wainwrights portrayal of Arthur Birling was commendable, with his successful attempt at a Yorkshire accent. One must also congratulate the make-up artists for his transformation, which put him beyond recognition. Gemma Hatton played Sheila, the engaged daughter, and she managed to show effectively the hysteria associated with her young character. The almost comical character of Eric, played by Simon Parry achieved an escape from the general heaviness of the plot. There was a distinctive performance from Diana Bourne in her part of the confident Sybil Birling. This was an exceptional performance, and deserves due praise. Giles Cornah, produced a fine portrayal of the ambiguous Inspector, and he must be congratulated also. For a small College the production was extremely successful, the reason for this was partly due to the actors but also the hard work shown by Mr Griffiths, the drama teacher, who showed a great deal of dedication throughout the production. With the great deal of work put into the play by the actors, teachers, students and the designers of the stage, which added to the atmosphere of the play and the reaction the actors had after each performance, I would give the play 9/10. Well done!! Chiller with twists Reproduced by permission of the Congleton Chronicle 24/04/1998 There can be very few people who would not agree that the Congleton Players performance of J. B. Priestleys An Inspector Calls was one of their finest to date. The seven cast members tackled the powerful period drama with immense professionalism, rendering the audience trance-like until the very last line re vealed the shocking twist in the tail and released the audience from the tales dramatic grip. A superb back-drop of early 20th century decor set the scene for the intense rama which plays with time in order to pose questions regarding certain grey areas of our existence such as how one action can affect the life of another; how our lives can be catalysts and whether we learn by taking responsibility for our mistakes. These complicated concepts were pulled off marvellously and, always indicative of a huge success, members of the audience were left discussing issues raised throughout the evening as they left for home on Tuesday. The continuous action surrounds the refined Birling family and picks up one vening in 1912 as the family celebrate daughter Sheilas engagement to the equally refined Gerald Croft. Intellectual conversation and united appreciation of the port comes to a premature halt however, with the sudden and somewhat unwelcome appearance of the mysterious Inspector Goole, played Players veteran John McIlwreith. .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 , .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .postImageUrl , .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 , .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5:hover , .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5:visited , .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5:active { border:0!important; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5:active , .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5 .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3fa43002e680fcdcd2aca4a8ea5470e5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay Paper For Romeo And JulietFrom the moment he strides into the immaculate dining room the sinister inspector easily assumes control in the Birling household, his awesome pres ence dominating both mentally and physically, and altering their lives rreparably for ever. . . Fine and mature performances came from the younger members of the cast: Rachael Hibbert was a delight as Sheila Birling, a new comer to the players and only 16 years old. Clear and effective, she brought a deep understanding to the role of the young woman whose world is turned upside down in one evening. Sheilas wild-living brother Eric is played by Richard Copestick who, although filling in at a late stage, proved to be an invaluable addition to the cast. His dramatic portrayal as the young but hard-drinking man who has ore than just a few skeletons in the cupboard was superb. Rachel Jackson, who has been a member of the players for several years, prompting and assisting with productions as well as acting, played Edna, the family maid, who had the unfortunate job of literally showing the inspector into the familys lives. Although young Sheila and Eric clearly learn from their experiences it is the more mature family members who attempt to dismiss the inspectors les sons as swiftly as possible in the aftermath of the visit. Arthur Birling, the players chairman, was brilliantly unlikeable as the ealthy mill owner, as was his wife, Sybil, (Doris McGowan), who delighted in talking severely about the culprit of the play taking public responsibility for his actions before she realised she had been preparing a convincing case against her own son. Philip Hope had the difficult task of taking on the more complex role of Gerald Croft, whose character was not so cut and dried as the others. More secrets emerge and the engagement between him and Sheila proves to be as short-lived as the post-dinner port appreciation moment. All eyes were on Inspector Goole however, who, thanks to the wonderful John McIlwreith, was deliciously eerie throughout the evening, with his face down-turned into a constant frown as he focused on each unfortunate in turn, extracting their confessions before leaving them to deal with it as their conscience allowed. Disappearing as suddenly as he made his entrance, the family were left in a state of confusion, perhaps at one point wondering whether he ever existed at all. In the wake of the visit questions remain un answered and hover in the air like a bad smell until the final twist when all is, well, not revealed.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Develop a Research Paper Timeline

How to Develop a Research Paper Timeline Research papers come in many sizes and levels of complexity. There is no single set of rules that fits every project, but there are guidelines you should follow to keep yourself on track throughout the weeks as you prepare, research, and write. You will complete your project in stages, so you must plan ahead and give yourself enough time to complete every stage of your work. Your first step is to write down the due date for your paper on a big wall calendar, in your planner, and in an electronic calendar. Plan backward from that due date to determine when you should have your library work completed. A good rule of thumb is to spend: Fifty percent of your time researching and readingTen percent of your time sorting and marking your researchForty percent of your time writing and formatting Timeline for Researching and Reading Stage 1 week for short papers with one or two sources2-3 weeks for papers up to ten pages2-3 months for a thesis It’s important to get started right away on the first stage. In a perfect world, we would find all of the sources we need to write our paper in our nearby library. In the real world, however, we conduct internet queries and discover a few perfect books and articles that are absolutely essential to our topic- only to find that they are not available at the local library. The good news is that you can still get the resources through an interlibrary loan. But that will take time. This is one good reason to do a thorough search early on with the help of a reference librarian. Give yourself time to collect many possible resources for your project. You will soon find that some of the books and articles you choose don’t actually offer any useful information for your particular topic. You’ll need to make a few trips to the library. You won’t finish in one trip. You’ll also discover that you will find additional potential sources in the bibliographies of your first selections. Sometimes the most time-consuming task is eliminating potential sources. Timeline for Sorting and Marking Your Research 1 day for a short paper3-5 days for papers up to ten pages2-3 weeks for a thesis You should read each of your sources at least twice. Read your sources the first time to soak in some information and to make notes on research cards. Read your sources a second time more quickly, skimming through the chapters and putting sticky note flags on pages that contain important points or pages that contain passages that you want to cite. Write keywords on the sticky note flags. Timeline for Writing and Formatting Four days for a short paper with one or two sources1-2 weeks for papers up to ten pages1-3 months for a thesis You don’t really expect to write a good paper on your first attempt, do you? You can expect to pre-write, write, and rewrite several drafts of your paper. You’ll also have to rewrite your thesis statement a few times, as your paper takes shape. Don’t get held up writing any section of your paper- especially the introductory paragraph. It is perfectly normal for writers to go back and complete the introduction once the rest of the paper is completed. The first few drafts don’t have to have perfect citations. Once you begin to sharpen your work and you’re heading toward a final draft, you should tighten your citations. Use a sample essay if you need to, just to get the formatting down. Make sure your bibliography contains every source you’ve used in your research.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finacial Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finacial Analysis - Research Paper Example Proctor and gamble operates in more than 100 countries and serves around 4 billion people tall over the world through their products of around 300 brands. It operates in segments of three business units, which are - beauty, health and wellbeing, and household segment. It also has global operations group that is divided into- global business service and market development organization. These help P & G to be able to remain ahead of competitors in terms of market share and also innovative products and services to the consumers. Proctor and G amble is the largest consumer goods company in the world based on the 2011 revenues. Closely behind it are Nestle and unilever respectively. Since demand for its products continue to increase, proctor and gamble has moved into several countries in terms of manufacturing and sales. P & G now has offices and factories in Europe, Asia, Middle East and even Africa. Products manufactured by proctor and gamble cover the overall market of consumer goods. Their three business units (beauty, wellbeing and household) have products like cosmetics, skin care, hair care, fabric care, baby and family care products. With the acquisition of Gillette, P & G introduced Duracell batteries, razors and electric razors to its already rich and diversified variety of products. Proctor and Gamble’s brands are (but not limited to) Pampers, Ariel, Always, and Crest. Other than manufacturing consumer goods, which is its core business, proctor and gamble also has in recent years sponsored television series like the young and the restless. It also became the first company to produce and to sponsor a prime TV show when it produced our private world, a soap opera. It is also a sponsor of the Olympics 2012 games and other sports events. VULNERABILITY Proctor and Gamble operates in more than 100 countries worldwide. Each of the countries that it operates in has its own economy which also affects the operations of P & G. in the current world, companies face extensive challenges and threats in the course of their operations and achievement of their organizational goals. P & G being a multinational company operating in many countries, it faces a lot of competition from other multinational companies like Johnson and Johnson, Sara Lee corporation, Unilever Plc and national companies that also operate and produce consumer goods in the country where proctor and gamble also operates in. Proctor and gamble leads the pack based on revenues and variety of consumer product considerably more after acquisition of Gillette. It is able to beat global competition through product innovation (improving efficiency, effectiveness and usability of its products). It also spends more in research and development of its products than their competitors do; this ensures that their products meet the needs, wants and expectations of their potential consumers. In terms of competition and business practices, proctor and gamble together with unilever plc were ac cused of running a price fixing cartel, and in April 2011, the European commission subsequently fined them. Proctor and Gamble is able to lead Consumer Goods Company by having strong brand names (Gillette, dolce and gabbana and bounty), increased dwelling on research and development of its products and it has strong distribution infrastructure as compared to its competitors. Most of proctor and gambles’ products are needed in the day-to-day life of consumers. We all need to use soaps, toothpaste and skin