Tuesday, May 5, 2020

No Day But Today free essay sample

How do you measure, measure a year? If one were to reflect on this idea, many different, personal thoughts might come to mind. Mostly though, I think of Scene One, Act Two, of Jonathan Larsons rock opera, Rent. Suddenly, Im back at The Wang Center on June 13, 2006, staring at a simple set of tables, chairs, and a mock fire escape, with a cast of 20 people, singing those words to me. There I am, twelve year old me, tears streaming down my cheeks. I start to realize just how much this one play has impacted my life, teaching me how to live it. From that moment on, I sold my life to Rent. For as long as I can remember, Rent has played a major role in my life; whether it be as a little five year old singing â€Å"Light My Candle† for her family as loud as she can, or using a scene as an example on a power point about AIDS. We will write a custom essay sample on No Day But Today or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Before I even knew what a â€Å"Rent Head† was, I was one. I sang the songs every second, performed the show for friends and family, watched the movie every night until it was committed to memory, saw the show every time it came to town, and even read every book on Rent I could get my hands on. But, my devotion and fanaticism for Rent, could never add up to what it has done for me, teaching me how to embark on my own journey, still to come. On that night, June 13th, 2006, I remember leaving the theatre, still trying to grasp on to everything I had just been taught. These revelations unraveled about in my mind. I left inspired, wiser than before, and even insightful. I don’t remember ever having that feeling. I had adults in my life teaching me something all the time, but in that very moment, I learned things that no one had ever tried to teach me before. In this case, I learned a lifetime of lessons in one night. I had unlocked something in my life that will always guarantee to help me if I just tap into it, if I just remember. And I am the only person who can make these things come to life, if I really strive to. The reoccurring theme of Rent, â€Å"No Day But Today†, speaks volumes on what I discover ed about how to live. To truly live everyday as it were to be your last or find a moment of joy each day and live in it, is something I will cherish forever. We cannot rely on yesterday or tomorrow; all we really have is this moment. I have learned through personal experiences that, inevitably, bad days and hardships do come, but the trick is to let those struggles make you stronger and overcome them. To â€Å"forget regret† will take the weight from your shoulders and erase clutter from your life. And if you give your best in everything you do, no one can ever say you failed. The only person, who can judge what you do and how you do it, is you; but do not be so harsh. Loving others without limits shows the size of your heart, but learning to love yourself shows your self respect. Ultimately, in these ever changing days, treasure your memories, loved ones, and lessons learned; ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s all you need to genuinely know â€Å"what you own†. â€Å"There is no future, there is no past, I live this moment as my last.† Even though I have more to learn on my life journey, the essential, unwritten rules, I learned from Mark, Roger, Mimi, Angel, Collins, Maureen, Joanne, and, Benny. Not only did I learn how to live my life from them, but also how to appreciate life and myself. As I wander down the road of my future, I will take every day I am given and devote everything I have, even though the outcome is obscured by time. It just takes that courage to go into the abyss of the unknown and give your very best and be courageous. And it all starts with a leap of faith†¦so here I am.

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